Fields marked with an * are required
By completing the contact information below, you consent to being contacted about volunteering opportunities with Resurgo or their partners.
Your title * Mr. Mrs. Ms. Dr. Prof. Miss Other
First Name *
Last Name *
Phone *
Email *
Your Date of Birth *
What is your ethnic background? (We aim to have a pool of volunteers that reflects the diversity of our trainees) * Asian/Asian British Black/African/Caribbean/Black British Mixed/multiple ethnic groups Other ethnic group White Prefer not to say
Name *
Address *
Telephone *
Relationship to you *
How did you hear about us? * My church partners with the Spear Programme My employer partners with Resurgo Social Media Post Through a family, friend or contact Through a web search Other New Wine
Please give us some more details *
What interests you about volunteering with Resurgo? *
What experience, if any, do you have of working with young people or vulnerable adults? *
Are there any elements of your career story which could inspire a young person? *
What do you hope to gain from volunteering? *
Where you would like to volunteer? * A Spear Centre in London Spear Bournemouth Spear Brighton Spear Leeds Spear Bristol Spear Ipswich Spear Hastings Spear Preston Spear Cheltenham Spear South Wales Spear Gateshead
Which centre in London? * No preference Spear Bethnal Green Spear Camden Spear Clapham Junction Spear Hammersmith & Fulham Spear Islington Spear Kennington Spear North Kensington
Would you like to receive occasional emails from Resurgo? * yesno
Yes, I would like to receive occasional phone calls from Resurgo
Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offense or cautioned, reprimanded or given a final warning by the police (unspent)? * YesNo
Are you disqualified from working with children or vulnerable/protected adults? * YesNo
Are you aware of any police enquiries following allegations made against you, which may have a bearing on your suitability for the role? * YesNo
If you’ve answered ‘YES’ to any of the above, please give details of all offences, penalties, and/or police enquiries and dates. If you would prefer to discuss this with a member of our team rather than giving details in this box, please indicate this
England and Wales – are you registered with the DBS Update service? YesNo
I agree to the above
By submitting this form, you are consenting to receive all general e-mail communications from Resurgo.
We will store your information in line with our privacy policy. We do not pass on details to third parties for marketing purposes.